


数量: 3.5


取代: 2017年10月、2014年9月、2013年11月、2007年6月、2004年6月


蒙哥马利县社区学院 is committed to maintaining academic integrity, enhancing student success, refining 课程 assessment, and ensuring accuracy, compatibility, 以及评分中所有相关部分的一致性. 一个全面的、 institutional policy regarding grading fosters alignment with these endeavors, while 确保遵守联邦第四章准则. 分数是由老师分配的 and can only be changed through instructor-initiated grade change or established College 程序,如成绩申诉政策. 实施综合评分政策 in concert with other College policies such as 年级的吸引力, Student Academic Code 伦理和学术进步.


+ / -分级

Faculty have designed a grading policy that permits accurate monitoring and assessment 学生的表现.

成绩 质量分 定义
A 4.00 超过预期
A- 3.67 超过预期
B+ 3.33 高于预期
B 3.00 高于预期
B- 2.67 高于预期
C+ 2.33 符合预期
C 2.00 符合预期
D 1.00 低于预期
F 0.00 学业失败
XF 0.00 学术不端行为 
成绩 数值相等关系
A 93 - 100
A- 90 - 92
B+ 87 - 89
B 83 - 86
B- 80 - 82
C+ 77 - 79
C 70 - 76
D 60 - 69 
F 0 - 59
XF 0.00


Code 描述
FS 我不再参加了
NP 没有通过
P 通过
S 期中考试及格
U 期中考试不及格

Code 描述
AU 审计
AT 参加了
AW 审计撤回(作废)
CE 考试学分
CL 先前学习经验的学分
CR 信用(过时的)
I 不完整的
M 军队离开

Code 描述
NC 没有信用
NG 无等级(已废弃)
NS 缺席
W 学生主动退学
WEX 有批准理由的退出(作废)



The grading system at 蒙哥马利县社区学院 is a plus/minus system with 相关质量点. 这些质量点用于计算 大学水平课程的累积平均成绩(GPA). 学生的累积 GPA is determined by dividing the number of 信贷s attempted into the quality points 赢得了. 使用GPA计算器可以帮助计算累积GPA. Each instructor provides written explanation of the College approved grading system in the 课程 syllabus, as well as consequences that may impact learning and grades. 学生 are responsible for obtaining a clear understanding of the grading system, 包括强加的后果.


讲师必须在课程完成20%后完成出勤报告 contact time has occurred - at the second week of the semester or at the conclusion 第二次班会的加速会议. 一个早期警报是自动的 issued for any student not attending class(es), so that proactive intervention can 由学生的学术顾问/辅导员发起. 教师报告学生 who have attended class meetings using a code of "AT" (参加了), and students who 从未使用“NS”(No Show)出席. 如果学生开始上课出勤 and subsequently stopped attending, the instructor would report the student as "AT" 并输入最后出席日期(LDA). 这是学生的责任 如有意退课,须通知学院. 失败 参加班会或缴纳学杂费不构成退学 ("W"). 导师在与系主任协商后确定课程 reentry for a student after extended absence or lack of beginning attendance in the 课程. 学院不向已确认身份的学生发放经济援助 不符合这个程序.


学生 are administratively deregistered for the purposes of dropping them from 当他们被报告为“NS”(没有出现)时. 行政注销 is treated the same as a regular drop status as it relates to the students’ GPA and 课程的尝试. 教师将给开始出勤的学生分配一个“FS”等级 但随后停止参加,并没有退出.


At the midterm period of each semester/session, instructors are required to enter 将电子评分系统作为学生进步的指标. 输入“S” if the student is making satisfactory academic progress (A, B, or C grade, or based upon 课程 requirements and faculty feedback); a "U" is entered if the student is attending classes and is not making satisfactory academic progress (a D or F grade, 或根据课程要求和教师反馈). 海星警报将是 immediately entered for any student receiving a grade of "U," so that proactive intervention 可以由学生的学术顾问/辅导员发起吗. 期中考试时,如果学生 has stopped attending, the instructor will assign a midterm grade of "U," enter a 最后出勤日期(LDA)和期末成绩“FS”."


学生可以重修一门课程以获得更高的分数. 经过两次课程尝试,请求 第三种必须由院长、主任或顾问/辅导员批准.*学生 who would like to request the possibility of an additional attempt must meet with 教务处副校长或指定人员考虑. 学院 uses the best grade 赢得了 at the College in the 课程 to calculate the student’s GPA; however, the grade from each 课程 attempt will appear on the student’s transcript. 重要的是要注意,所有课程的退课和审核都算作尝试. 从其他机构转到MCCC的课程算作尝试,可以 用于满足先决条件要求,但不包括在GPA计算中. 

* Health career programs require the student to obtain the approval of the Program 导演.


学院的 登记的日历 outlines specific dates associated with the withdrawal 过程 that must be followed. 学生发起的过程 当然撤军 在与导师和/或学术顾问/辅导员协商后. 后 the Add/Drop period ends and prior to completion of 60% of the 课程 time, a student 希望提款必须提交正式的提款表格. 的官方等级 “W”(退出)被分配给该课程. 完成60%的课程后 time and prior to 75% of the 课程 time the student must request and receive permission 从课程讲师处退出课程. 

后 60% of the 课程 has been completed, students may request a withdrawal due 对于学生无法控制的情况. 医疗,灾难或其他 情况超出了学生的控制,学生可以 请求借口提款 from a 课程 during the semester after 60% of the 课程 time has elapsed, and until 课程结束后的一个日历年. 学生需要提交支持材料 文档. 导师将被通知此要求,并有3个业务* days to provide input for consideration by the Withdrawal Appeals Committee which 将审阅所有文件. 委员会的决定是最终决定,并将分享 与学生和教师以书面形式. 委员会应当组成 of five members: financial aid/bursar's office representative, advising/counselor, 教职员2人,教务管理员1人. 

A student may not withdraw from the 课程 if an instructor has requested an investigation into an alleged act of academic dishonesty and is seeking an XF grade or suspension 或者从学习项目或临床环境中开除. 
The student still has the right to withdraw from the 课程 if it is determined by the instructor that the consequences of the violation of the Academic Code of 道德 不会妨碍学生继续学习该课程吗. 

*Business is defined as day of College operation with classes in session excluding 周末. 


学院的 登记的日历 概述与未完成评分过程相关的具体日期. 后 75% of the 课程 time has been completed but before the last day of the session, (see College 登记 calendar for specific 日期), students with satisfactory 不能完成学业的学生 课程work due to valid, unforeseen circumstances can request an incomplete grade 的“I”,并提交 要求填写不完整表格. 如果请求被批准,教师将概述一份工作协议 学生必须完成 不完整的形式. The deadline for completing the 课程 requirements is determined by the instructor, and may not exceed three months** after the final day of the session in which the 不完整的分数. 如果工作协议未在截止日期前完成, then the "I" grade (不完整的) is changed to the 赢得了 grade considering all 课程 已完成和未完成的需求 

** If a 课程 requirement requires longer than three months, for example, a performance-based assessment, then this deadline can be extended with the approval of the Dean or Program 导演.


"AU" (审计) indicates that the student has registered for the 课程 for no academic 信贷. 助学金不包括经审核的课程. 学院的 登记的日历概述与审计过程相关的具体日期. 课程讲师决定 沟通期望和需要做的工作. 不符合导师要求的学生 期望会收到一个“AW”."

从信用状态更改为审核状态需要讲师许可. 改变从 只允许信用到审计状态before 75% of the 课程 time is completed (see College 登记 calendar for specific 日期). 教师没有义务答应这样的请求.  的赋值。 学分课程的“W”,“AW”或“AU”被视为尝试和正式 登记. 选择ART, ESW, CIS和外语课程可能是例外 到后续的注册规则. “AU”注册超越第三方注册 is contingent on space availability and is determined after the class cancellation 过程. 



Conduct involving academic standards can be found in the Student Academic Code of 道德. 学术不诚实的事例将通过学院的 预警系统.

*完成2022年夏季课程的学生应参考之前的课程 综合评分(学生评估)政策.