Maintenance of Police Academy 枪支


日期: 2022年3月

取代: December 2019, September 2009, January 2004


Montgomery County Community College (“College”) is committed to maintaining the inventory of weapons utilized in the 市警察学院, along with ammunition for those weapons, in a condition of the utmost possible security. 严格的控制制度 over the weapons and ammunition is paramount in the achievement of the security necessary to prevent loss, misuse and/or theft.


It is the policy of Montgomery County Community College to provide for the highest possible level of security of the weapons and ammunition utilized for the Municipal Police Academy by instituting and maintaining a system of control that provides for instructor education and direct supervision. It also includes close collaboration with the Montgomery County Department of Public Safety, scheduled examinations of the entire inventory of weapons and ammunition, direct oversight of all weapon and ammunition issuances and documentation of all weapon and/or ammunition sales, transfers, 维护、存储或检索.


A. 枪支计划

的 College has entered into an agreement with the County of Montgomery (“County”) to enable the use by the College of the County’s Tactical Response Training Center, located at the Public Safety Training Center, 1175 Conshohocken Rd. 在普利茅斯镇, (“the County Facility”) for the purpose of firearms training for Police Academy cadets.

的 College shall have the sole responsibility for all aspects of the Municipal Police Academy training program, including all necessary approvals and accreditations for instructional personnel to ensure all courses taught conform with the Pennsylvania Municipal Police 办公室r’s Education and Training Commission (“MPOETC”) training standards.

B. 枪支 & 弹药存储

This agreement also grants the College the right to store firearms and ammunition in a limited-access storage area in the County Facility, within two safes owned by the College and maintained in a secure, keypad access structure on the grounds of the Montgomery County Public Safety Training Campus (an off-campus location).

Access to the storage room is gained with a secure keypad, and is limited to the Director of the Police Academy, the designated lead firearms instructor, as well as two County 员工. 的 two County 员工 having access will be designated by the Montgomery County Deputy Director of Public Safety, Law Enforcement Training. 进入保险箱的权限 via combinations is limited to the Director of the Police Academy, the Director of Campus Safety, and the designated lead firearms instructor.

C. 清除枪械及弹药

枪支 are only removed from the safes by the Director of the Police Academy and/or his designated lead firearms instructor when required for firearms training, inventories 或方便必要的维修.

Upon completion of the class-training schedule, the designated lead firearms instructor will return all firearms to the safes.

Weapons being traded or otherwise disposed of, as in cases where they are no longer serviceable, will be removed from the safes by the Director of the Police Academy, in compliance with all College policies regarding disposal of College-owned property and all state and federal statutes regarding the transfer/disposal of firearms.

D. 库存

的 Director of the Police Academy and authorized personnel of the county on a quarterly basis will jointly perform a physical inventory of all firearms and ammunition. 的 College will approve all forms for inventory and said forms will be kept on file at 警察学院. A copy of the inventory will be transmitted to the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the Vice President of Administrative 服务. 此外, an ammunition inventory will be performed monthly and reported to the College's Business 办公室.